
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Soviet Union :: essays research papers

There are numerous events worthy of our erudition butsome will be remembered for many years to come. lambertyears from now, every person in the world shouldremember the year in which the Soviet Empire crinkled. The Soviet totality was one of the closedangerous and most feared of totally the countries in theworld during the time it existed. The Soviet sum total wasthe largest rural area in the world because of all therepublics it had within it.The collapse of the Soviet Union will always beremembered because it was a country that was verydangerous. It was like that because just about all ofthe men that command and controlled the Soviet Unionwere heavy drinkers and they would not be at their surmount judgment when doing things and because of thatthey could cause a lot of damage, conflict, and war tomany opposite countries. The end of the Soviet Union will be remembered alsobecause it had such(prenominal) a great impact on all itsrepublics. The Soviet Union was not a horribl e placethough as it helped all the poor countries stay strongsince they were united as one union. kind of of beinga whole bunch of third world countries, their champion insocialism did work at keeping the people safe. For pillow slip Yugoslavia was around as on nation back thenbecause of communism but once the collapse ofcommunism Yugoslavia broke apart. Why many people feared the USSR, the Union of SovietSocialists Republic, or CCCP, USSR spelled in Russian,was because the fact that a lot of missiles wouldfrequently disappear from the missile silos thatbelonged to the Soviet Union, and because of this itshows that the Soviet Union wasnt to safe of acountry to live in and that the people in that location werenteasily trusted so other countries near the borders ofthe Union could be in great danger. I think that the Soviet Union was a great republic andthat if it did still exist now it would or at least

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